Chain lube
PDL® Profi Dry Lube
Profi Dry Lube is the unique, dry chain lubrication, which was developed particularly to take care of modern sealing ring chains. Our development of several years with many test miles has created a product, in which motorcycle drivers in the whole world trust. Whether in the sand of the Namibian desert, with top speed on German motorways or on racing courses of all kinds. Dry Lube works satisfactorily under all operating conditions. The special formula of the individual components ensures optimal lubrication and extends the life span of the chain set substantially.
How it works:
With Profi Dry Lube the metal surface is sealed. Now the outside roles of the chain slide easily, cleanly and friction-poor over the micro-fine PTFE layer. Contrary to grease, Profi Dry Lube does not bind any dirt and so it protects your chain against the negative sandpaper effect. This important fact will extend the life span of the chain substantially while reducing the rolling friction at the same time.
Because Profi Dry Lube cannot be spun or washed off, it only takes a few grams for an extended period. Compare to other products, Profi Dry Lube replaces about 2-3 cans of regular chain lubrication spray. The 400ml standard aerosol is quite enough for thousands of miles.
If you switch from grease lubrication to Dry Lube, the chain set should be new (max. 10.000km, street used). Greasy and dirty parts should be cleaned once. The perfect result is reached, if Dry Lube is up-sprayed on a new chain set/new motorcycle directly after the first 600-800km (in this case do not clean the chain and use Dry Lube 2-3 x in short intervals).
Dry Lube works for a long time also in other ranges of application. Thus e.g. mountain biker and horizontal cyclists estimate it as an ideal lubricant. With chain drives of all kinds, Dry Lube proves it´s qualities. Many users from industry, vehicle technology and mechanical engineering use Dry Lube and rank among our content customers.
Accessory Chain lube

Content: 200 ml (€69.75 / 1000 ml)