X350 (XJ) Petrol from VIN...G40858 to H32732 • X351 (XJ) Petrol • X-Type Petrol • XF (X250) Petrol from VIN...R00001 to U88785 (2007-15) • XK8 (X150) 3.5 and 4.2 from VIN...B00379 to B18460 (2005-07)
XF Petrol to VIN...R47153 and all 2.7 Diesel • X350 (XJ) 2.7 Diesel and all Petrol from VIN... G00442 to H32732 (2003-09) • S-Type 2.7 Diesel (2004-07) and all Petrol (1999-2007)
S-Type (X200) 2.7 TDV6 from VIN...N13089 to N91220 (2004-07) • XF (X250) 2.7 TDV6 from VIN...R00001 to R47153 (2007-09) • X350 (XJ) 2.7 TDV6 from VIN...H00151 to H32732 (2005-09)
XK8 (X100) 4.0 to VIN...A30644 (1996-2002) • X300 (XJ) 3.2, 4.0 and 6.0 V12 from VIN...667829 to 708757 (1993-97) • X308 (XJ8) 3.2 and 4.0 from VIN...812317 to F59525 (1997-2003) • X350 (XJ) Petrol from VIN...H16508 to H32732 (2007-09) • XJS 5.3 V12 from VIN...179737 to 188104 (1991-93), 6.0 V12 from VIN...188105 to 226645 (1993-96) and 4.0 from VIN...179737 to 226645 (1991-96) • XJ40 (XJ) 3.2 and 4.0 from VIN...629286 to 708757 (1992-94) plus 6.0 V12 from VIN...673299 to 708757 (1992-94
XK8 (X100) 4.0 to VIN...A30644 (1996-2002) • X300 (XJ) 3.2, 4.0 and 6.0 V12 from VIN...667829 to 708757 (1993-97) • X308 (XJ8) 3.2 and 4.0 from VIN...812317 to F59525 (1997-2003) • X350 (XJ) Petrol from VIN...H16508 to H32732 (2007-09) • XJS 5.3 V12 from VIN...179737 to 188104 (1991-93), 6.0 V12 from VIN...188105 to 226645 (1993-96) and 4.0 from VIN...179737 to 226645 (1991-96) • XJ40 (XJ) 3.2 and 4.0 from VIN...629286 to 708757 (1992-94) plus 6.0 V12 from VIN...673299 to 708757 (1992-94
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