Oils and greases at Limora

There are few topics as controversial in the classic car area as the subject of oils and lubricants. Personal preferences for specific brands or the stock in the garage are not always the best advisors when filling the machine. Not for nothing did Oldtimer Markt write years ago: "90 % of all classic car owners drive the wrong oil". Now, the wrong oil is still better than too little or too old oil, but with the right explanation of the physical necessities, we help you to find the technically suitable oil.

Finding the right engine oil for your classic car

Almost all vehicles built between the early 1950s and the late 1980s can cope with a 15W-40 or a 20W-50 (for higher mileage and higher loads). You as the oil buyer and user make the adjustment to your vehicle according to your main use.

For a motorbike with an oil bath clutch, you need an oil with Jaso MA additive. For cars with a centrifugal oil filter, an oil that keeps the combustion residues in suspension. Oils for shock absorbers, for forks and for automatic gearboxes - all available at Limora classic car warehouse.

Everything was better in the past?

In 1963, for example, the whole fuss about the correct disposal of used oil could simply be dispensed with. It's unbelievable what was seriously propagated back then.

After all, one litre of oil can spoil 1,000,000 litres of drinking water. If you buy oil from us, we will of course (as required by law) accept the same amount of used oil from you for professional disposal. Please do not mix the used oil with other substances (especially not with brake fluid).

Then you have no problem with disposal. By the way, discharging waste oil into the environment or sewage system is a punishable offence nowadays.

Our most popular oils at a glance

Here you can see the most popular oils in Limora. Maybe yours is among them? If not, the oil finder will help you.

Castrol Engine oil

Variants from €12.90
Product number: 329066
elf Engine oil

Variants from €25.89
Product number: 491540
Limora Engine oil

Product number: 511114

To the oil finder:
The right oil for your classic car

Having trouble deciding on a product?
Our oil finder will certainly help you!

To the oil finder

 Frequently asked questions about oil

We answer your questions about engine oil.

Single-grade oil versus multi-grade oil

Single-range oils (monogrades)
These oils are designed for a specific temperature range only. Summer operation (SAE 50) or winter operation (SAE 30) or application in motor sports.
Monograde oils were the best technological solution at a time when change intervals were very short.

Multigrade oil (Multigrades)
These oils have been made usable for considerably extended temperature ranges by adding additives. Multigrade oils can be used all year round.

The viscosity range is defined with the help of the SAE classification: Viscosity in winter [W] - Viscosity in summer.

What does viscosity mean?

Summer oils are marked with the viscosity class:
16, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 (the higher the number, the more viscous).
The viscosity is measured at 100°C even if higher oil temperatures occur in the engine.

Winter oils are marked with the viscosity class:
0W, 5W, 10W, 15W, 20W, 25W.
0W is still pumpable at -40°C, 20W at -20°C, 25W at -15°C

Multigrade oils are suitable for both summer and winter use. 20W/50, for example, means: still pumpable at -20°C and a viscosity of 16.3 mm²/s at 100°C.

Viscosity alone is not a quality characteristic of a lubricating oil. The values only indicate the temperature range in which the oil can be used.

What does the SAE class mean?

The SAE classes for viscosity were defined in 1911 by the SAE, the Society of American Engineers, and are still valid today.

On motor oil canisters, this value is indicated with two numbers: e.g. SAE 20W-50.

The number before the W describes the flow properties of the engine oil at cold temperatures. The smaller the number, the better the engine oil can flow in cold conditions and the faster it reaches the important lubrication points in the engine.

The number after the W indicates the engine oil's flow properties under heat. The higher this value is, the better the lubricity of the engine oil is maintained in the engine at heat.

A 20W-50, for example, therefore lubricates better at higher (engine) temperatures than a 10W-40.

Today, there are also multigrade oils that retain their lubricating properties at both high and low temperatures.