Boite de transfer LT 230 - roues dentées et differentiel
Requis: 2
to transfer box number 22D 575041G
Requis: 1
ab Verteilergetriebenummer 22D 575042G
Requis: 1
Sleeve and Hub combination. High/low gear. LT230 transfer box
to transfer box suffix D and transfer box suffix 29D (V8 Vergaser) also ransfer box suffix 25D (V8 Vergaser)
Requis: 1
Sleeve and Hub combination. High/low gear
from transfer box suffix E
Requis: 1
Sleeve and Hub combination. High/low gear. LT230 transfer box
Requis: 1
Sleeve and Hub combination. High/low gear. LT230 transfer box
Requis: 1
high gear
transfer box suffix 20D to number 226368E
Requis: 1
high gear
transfer box suffix 20D from number 226368E
Requis: 1
high gear
transfer box suffix 22D to number D and 25D
Requis: 1
high gear
transfer box suffix 20D ab number E
Requis: 1
high gear
transfer box suffix 32D from VIN...MA939976 to transfer box number 511442E
Requis: 1
high gear
transfer box 32D from number 551443G
transfer box 32D from number 551443G
Requis: 1
high gear
transfer box suffix 29D to number B
Requis: 1
high gear
transfer box suffix 29D to number C
Requis: 1
high/low gear
from VIN...MA939976
Requis: 1
high/low gear
with LT85 gearbox
Requis: 1
high/low gear
with LT77S gearbox
Requis: 1
for high/low gear selector shaft locking in LT230 transfer box
to VIN...LA939975
Requis: 1
for high/low gear selector shaft locking in LT230 transfer box
ab VIN...MA939976
Requis: 1
for high/low gear selector shaft locking in LT230 transfer box
to VIN...LA939975
Requis: 1
for high/low gear selector shaft locking in LT230 transfer box
from VIN...MA939976
Requis: 1
for high/low gear selector rod in LT230 transfer boxes
Requis: 1
on the intermediate shaft in the transfer box - reduction ratio: 1.4:1 (interlocking: 19, 41, 39)
transfer box suffix 22D from number C
Requis: 1
transfer box suffix 32D to VIN..LA939975
Requis: 1
transfer box suffix 32D from VIN...MA939976
Requis: 1
transfer box suffix 29D to number B
Requis: 1
transfer box suffix 29D to number 551442F
Requis: 1
on the intermediate shaft in the transfer box - reduction ratio: 1.4:1 (interlocking: 19, 41, 39)
transfer box suffix 25D
Requis: 1
at intermediate shaft front and rear position
Requis: 2
on the intermediate shaft in the transfer box, front and rear bearing
Requis: 2
Defender jusqu'au suffixe 43D de la boîte de transfert
Requis: 1
Defender à partir du suffixe 43D de la boîte de transfert
Requis: 1
for transfer box suffix 25D, 22D, 47D and 43D
Requis: 1
main shaft 38 teeth
for transfer box suffix 29D, 32D, 38D and 40D
Requis: 1
for main shaft in LT230 transfer box - variant with 26 teeth
for transfer box suffix 29D
main shaft 28 teeth
for transfer box suffix 32D in combination with an LT77S gearbox
Requis: 1