Système de freinage
Système de freinage
- 1 Brake hydraulic - single line system Serie II, IIA and III without servo
- 2 Brake hydraulic - single line system with brake servo
- 3 Brake hydraulic - dual line system with brake servo
- 4 Brake pedal an pedal box - models without brake servo
- 5 Brake pedal an pedal box - models with brake servo
- 6 Front and rear brake - 88 to june 1980
- 7 Front brake - 88 from june 1980
- 8 Front brake - 109
- 9 Rear brake - 6 cylinder and 109 V8
- 10 Front brake - 88 from june 1980
- 11 Rear brake - Serie II 109
- 12 Rear brake - Serie IIA and III 109
- 13 Brake pipes - 88 single line system, Serie II, IIA and Serie III to june 1980
- 14 Brake pipes - 88 single line system, late Serie III (from june 1980)
- 15 Brake pipes - 109 single line system, 4 cylinder, Serie II, IIA and Serie III to june 1980
- 16 Brake pipes - 109 single line system, 4 cylinder, late Serie III (from june 1980)
- 17 Brake pipes - 109 single line system 6 cylinder without servo (1969 – 1980)
- 18 Brake pipes - 109 single line system, 6 cylinder with servo
- 19 Brake pipes - 88 dual line system, late Serie III (from june 1980)
- 20 Brake pipes - 109 dual line system, 4 cylinder, late Serie III (from june 1980)
- 21 Brake pipes - 109 dual line system, 6 cylinder, Serie IIA und III
- 22 Brake pipe - 109" V8 dual line system, early Serie III (to June 1980)
- 23 Brake pipes - 109 V8 dual line system, Serie III late (from July 1980)
- 24 Hand brake lever - Serie II, IIA to suffix "C"
- 25 Hand brake lever - Serie IIA from suffix "D" and Series III
- 26 Frein à main - séries II, IIA et III sauf modèles V8 de 109"
- 27 Hand brake and hand brake lever - 109 V8

Système de freinage