Boîtier de fusée d' essieu, différentiel et arbre de transmission
differential - 3/4"-14 BSPT thread with 5/8 "AF square socket
Requis: 1
roue conique, palier arrière - épaisseur : 0,060"
pinion, rear position - 0.062"
To axle no. 34S19718B and 32S57317A
pinion, rear position - 0.064"
To axle no. 34S19718B and 32S57317A
roue conique, palier arrière - épaisseur : 0,066"
pinion, rear position - 0.068"
To axle no. 34S19718B and 32S57317A
pinion, rear position - 0.070"
To axle no. 34S19718B and 32S57317A
pinion, rear position - 0.072"
To axle no. 34S19718B and 32S57317A
pinion, rear position - 0.074"
To axle no. 34S19718B and 32S57317A
pinion, rear position - 0.076"
To axle no. 34S19718B and 32S57317A
pinion, rear position - 0.081"
To axle no. 34S19718B and 32S57317A
pinion, rear position - 2,155mm
From axle no. 34S19719B and 32S57318A
pinion, rear position - 2,105mm
From axle no. 34S19719B and 32S57318A
pinion, rear position - 2,055mm
From axle no. 34S19719B and 32S57318A
pinion, rear position - 2,005mm
From axle no. 34S19719B and 32S57318A
pinion, rear position - 1,955mm
From axle no. 34S19719B and 32S57318A
pinion, rear position - 1,905mm
From axle no. 34S19719B and 32S57318A
pinion, rear position - 1,855mm
From axle no. 34S19719B and 32S57318A
pinion, rear position - 1,805mm
From axle no. 34S19719B and 32S57318A
pinion, rear position - 1,755mm
From axle no. 34S19719B and 32S57318A
pinion, rear position - 1,705mm
From axle no. 34S19719B and 32S57318A
pinion, rear position - 1,655mm
From axle no. 34S19719B and 32S57318A
pinion, rear position - 1,605mm
From axle no. 34S19719B and 32S57318A
pinion, rear position - 1,555mm
From axle no. 34S19719B and 32S57318A
pinion, rear position - 1,505mm
From axle no. 34S19719B and 32S57318A
pignon différentiel
Land Rover: Essieu avant : toutes les 88" et 109" série II, IIA et III (1958-85) sauf 109" 1-Ton Pick-up. Essieu arrière : toutes les 88" et 109" série II, IIA et III (1958-85), 109" série II et IIA avec essieu arrière de type Rover (1958-71) Rover: P4 (1949-64) • P5 et P5B (1958-73)
Requis: 1
driving flange
Models to June 1985
Requis: 1
driving flange
Models from July 1985
Requis: 1
propshaft. 3 bolts fastened
Vehicles from VIN...MA647645 (from October 1994)
Requis: 1
Axle suffix D to axle no. 35525694G
Requis: 1
From axle no. 35525695G
Requis: 1
rear axle
From axle suffix D - mit metrischem Bremsverschraubungen
Requis: 1
differential to axle casing - feature: 3/8"-24 UNF thread and 1.3/4" length
Requis: 6
retaining differential housing to axle housing - short
Requis: 4
démultiplication 3,54:1 - caractéristique: fixation avec écrou à bride
Requis: 1
crown wheel
Models from suffix H
Requis: 2
Classic avec suffixe d'essieu "A" (1970-73)
Requis: 1
Classic du suffixe d'essieu "B" à VIN...HA610293 (1973-91)
Requis: 1
CLassic de VIN..JA610294 à KA637568 (1991-93)
Requis: 1
Classic de VIN...KA637569 (1993-96)
Requis: 1
pour arbre de satellite
Classic avec suffixe d'essieu "A" (1970-73)
Requis: 2
retaining crown wheel - BSF
Models to axel suffix A
Requis: 4
retaining crown wheel - UNF
Models from axle suffix B
Requis: 10
rear axle
Vehicles to VIN...BA (to September 1985)
Requis: 1
rear axle
Vehicles from VIN...CA to VIN...LA647644 (October 1985 to September 1994)
Requis: 1
Classic avec empattement de 100" de VIN...MA647645 à MA664120 (1994-96)
Requis: 1
modèles à 4 portes et empattement de 108" de VIN...AA119703 à LA647644 (1981-94)
Requis: 1
modèles à 4 portes et empattement de 108" de VIN...MA647645 (1994-96)
Requis: 1
design renforcé, graissable avec une portée de 82 mm
Requis: 2
graissable avec une portée de 75 mm et d'un diamètre de douille de 27 mm
Requis: 2
design renforcé, graissable avec une portée de 75 mm et d'un diamètre de douille de 27 mm
Requis: 2
Classic de VIN...MA647645 à MA664120 (1994-96)
Requis: 1
retaining flexible coupling
Vehicles from VIN...MA647645 (from October 1994)
Requis: 6
retaining flexible coupling
Vehicles from VIN...MA647645 (from October 1994)
Requis: 12
retaining flexible coupling
Vehicles from VIN...MA647645 (from October 1994)
Requis: 6
Vehicles from VIN...MA647645 (from October 1994)
Requis: 1