Clutch - 2.9, 3.2 and 3.6 litre models
identify by 9.5" clutch plate with 23 teeth
3.6 from VIN...500001 to 594575 (1986-89), 2.9 from VIN...500001 to 629285 (1986-90) plus 3.2 from VIN...629286 to 667828 (1990-92)
Richiesto: 1
with 11" clutch plate with 23 splines - reconditioned, in exchange
3.2 from VIN...500001 to 594575 (1986-89)
Richiesto: 1
identified by 9.5" diameter and 23 splines
3.6 from VIN...500001 to 594575 (1986-89), 2.9 from VIN...500001 to 629285 (1986-90) plus 3.2 from VIN...629286 to 667828 (1990-92)
Richiesto: 1
identified by 11" diameter and 23 splines - reconditioned, in exchange
3.2 from VIN...667829 to 708757 (1992-94)
Richiesto: 1
3.6 from VIN...500001 to 594575 (1986-89), 2.9 from VIN...500001 to 629285 (1986-90) plus 3.2 from VIN...629286 to 667828 (1990-92)
Richiesto: 1
3.2 from VIN...667829 to 708757 (1992-94)
Richiesto: 1
Richiesto: 1
Richiesto: 1
with sleeve
Richiesto: 1
Richiesto: 1
retaining gearbox to engine. Identify by: 85mm length
Richiesto: 3
retaining gearbox to engine. Identify by: 70mm length
Richiesto: 4
retaining gearbox to engine. Identify by: 55mm length
Richiesto: 1
retaining gearbox to engine
Richiesto: 1
retaining adjusting bolt clutch lever
Richiesto: 1
clutch - steel variant without splines, shaft diameter: 23 mm for clutch plate and 13 mm for spigot bush
2.9, 3.2, 3.6 and 4.0 from VIN...500001 to 708757
Richiesto: 1