Dashboard 4.2 Series 1 2+2 (1966-1967)
copertura cruscotto - Parte anteriore del telaio del parabrezza
Richiesto: 1
to cover the area between dashboard and windscreen frame
Richiesto: 1
plastica nera stampata da incollare sul cruscotto originale
Richiesto: 1
dashboard, outer section, RH
Richiesto: 1
dashboard, outer section, LH
Richiesto: 1
Richiesto: 1
covered with black vinyl
Richiesto: 1
RH, RHD models
Richiesto: 1
LH, RHD models
Richiesto: 1
grab handle at side of dashboard - stainless steel reproduction
Richiesto: 2
No.10 with 5/8" length - galvanised screw with Phillips PZ2 cross slotted panhead
Richiesto: 2
retainng dashboard - upper position
Richiesto: 2
under dashboard - 3-piece black millboard set for RHD models without air conditioning
Richiesto: 1
under dashboard - 3-piece black millboard set for LHD models without air conditioning
Richiesto: 1
radio console, front
Models with manual transmission
Richiesto: 1
radio console, front
Models with automatic transmission
Richiesto: 1
under dashboard, RH
LHD models with air condition
Richiesto: 1
under dashboard, LH
LHD models with air condition
Richiesto: 1
tray liner, RH
Richiesto: 1
tray liner, LH
Richiesto: 1
Models with manual transmission
Richiesto: 1
Models with automatic transmission
Richiesto: 1
for radio console speakers - set of 2
Must be adapted for automatic models
Richiesto: 1
retaining blanging plate to radio console
Richiesto: 2
retaining blanging plate to radio console
Richiesto: 2
4.2 Series 1 OTS from 1E1001 to 1E1863 (RHD) and from 1E10001 to 1E15888 (LHD), FHC from 1E20001 to 1E21583 (RHD) and from 1E30001 to 1E34249 (LHD) (1964-67)
Richiesto: 1
ash tray blanking plate
4.2 Series 1 OTS from 1E1001 to 1E1863 (RHD) and from 1E10001 to 1E15888 (LHD), FHC from 1E20001 to 1E21583 (RHD) and from 1E30001 to 1E34249 (LHD) (1964-67)
Richiesto: 1
ash tray
4.2 Series 1 OTS from 1E1001 to 1E1863 (RHD) and from 1E10001 to 1E15888 (LHD), FHC from 1E20001 to 1E21583 (RHD) and from 1E30001 to 1E34249 (LHD) (1964-67)
Richiesto: 1
ash tray - complete with mounting kit
4.2 Series 1 OTS from 1E1001 to 1E1863 (RHD) and from 1E10001 to 1E15888 (LHD), FHC from 1E20001 to 1E21583 (RHD) and from 1E30001 to 1E34249 (LHD) (1964-67)
Richiesto: 1
chromed - required when radio is not fitted
Richiesto: 1
gearbox tunnel - fibreglass replacement
Jaguar: E-Type 4.2 Series 1 OTS from 1E20103 (RH) and 1E10360 (LHD) plus FHC from 1E20103 (RHD) and 1E30350 (LHD) plus 2+2 with manual transmission from 1E50001 (RHD) and 1E75001 (LHD), all 4.2 Series 2 with manual transmission (1964-1970)
Richiesto: 1
rubber type
Models without gear lever grommet
Richiesto: 1
rubber type
Models with gear lever grommet
Richiesto: 1
mild steel
Models with manual transmission
Richiesto: 1
mild steel
Models with automatic transmission
Richiesto: 1
remode control
Models with manual transmission
Richiesto: 1
made of mulberry imitation leather
Richiesto: 1
made of dark green imitation leather
Richiesto: 1
centre arm rest
4.2 Series 1 OTS from 1E1001 to 1E1863 (RHD) and from 1E10001 to 1E15888 (LHD), FHC from 1E20001 to 1E21583 (RHD) and from 1E30001 to 1E34249 (LHD) (1964-67)
Richiesto: 1
retaining hinge
4.2 Series 1 OTS from 1E1001 to 1E1863 (RHD) and from 1E10001 to 1E15888 (LHD), FHC from 1E20001 to 1E21583 (RHD) and from 1E30001 to 1E34249 (LHD) (1964-67)
Richiesto: 6
for demister nozzles in dashboard - five piece kit in black
Richiesto: 1