Servofreno e pompa freno - Serie II dal novembre 1973 al febbraio 1977
compresi i collegamenti in plastica
Richiesto: 1
brake fluid reservoir
Richiesto: 1
brake fluid reservoir
LHD models
Richiesto: 1
brake fluid reservoir
RHD models
Richiesto: 1
hydraulic hose
LHD models
Richiesto: 1
brake fluid reservoir to master cylinder
Richiesto: 2
All LHD models. Jaguar RHD Saloon to 2R3922, Jaguar RHD Coupe to 2G1014, Daimler RHD Saloon to 2K2196, Daimler RHD Coupe to 2F1003, Vanden Plas RHD to 2P1872
Richiesto: 1
brake servo - push-in type with 15/16" diameter and angled connection
All LHD models. Jaguar RHD Saloon to 2R3922, Jaguar RHD Coupe to 2G1014, Daimler RHD Saloon to 2K2196, Daimler RHD Coupe to 2F1003, Vanden Plas RHD to 2P1872
Richiesto: 1
Jaguar RHD Saloon from 2R3923, Jaguar RHD Coupe from 2G1015, Daimler RHD Saloon from 2K2197, Daimler RHD Coupe from 2F1004, Vanden Plas RHD from 2P1873
Richiesto: 1
brake servo - push-in type with 15/16" diameter and straight connection
Jaguar RHD Saloon from 2R3923, Jaguar RHD Coupe from 2G1015, Daimler RHD Saloon from 2K2197, Daimler RHD Coupe from 2F1004, Vanden Plas RHD from 2P1873
Richiesto: 1
brake pedal
Richiesto: 1
Brake pedal
Richiesto: 1
pedal box to chassis
Richiesto: 1
brake pedal and lever boss
Richiesto: 4
brake pedal and lever boss
Richiesto: 4
brake pedal lever boss
Richiesto: 1
pedal box retaining
Jaguar Saloon to 2R55393 (LHD) and 2R3986 (RHD), Jaguar Coupe to 2G 50888 (LHD) and 2G1163 (RHD), Daimler Saloon to 2K50120 (LHD) and 2K2242 (RHD), Daimler Coupe to 2F50013 (LHD) and 2F1078 (RHD), Vanden Plas to 2P50137 (LHD) and 2P1930 (RHD)
Richiesto: 3
pedal box retaining
Jaguar Saloon to 2R55393 (LHD) and 2R3986 (RHD), Jaguar Coupe to 2G 50888 (LHD) and 2G1163 (RHD), Daimler Saloon to 2K50120 (LHD) and 2K2242 (RHD), Daimler Coupe to 2F50013 (LHD) and 2F1078 (RHD), Vanden Plas to 2P50137 (LHD) and 2P1930 (RHD)
Richiesto: 5
pedal box retaining
Jaguar Saloon to 2R55393 (LHD) and 2R3986 (RHD), Jaguar Coupe to 2G 50888 (LHD) and 2G1163 (RHD), Daimler Saloon to 2K50120 (LHD) and 2K2242 (RHD), Daimler Coupe to 2F50013 (LHD) and 2F1078 (RHD), Vanden Plas to 2P50137 (LHD) and 2P1930 (RHD)
Richiesto: 5
pedal box retaining
Jaguar Saloon to 2R55393 (LHD) and 2R3986 (RHD), Jaguar Coupe to 2G 50888 (LHD) and 2G1163 (RHD), Daimler Saloon to 2K50120 (LHD) and 2K2242 (RHD), Daimler Coupe to 2F50013 (LHD) and 2F1078 (RHD), Vanden Plas to 2P50137 (LHD) and 2P1930 (RHD)
Richiesto: 5
pedal box retaining
Jaguar Saloon from 2R55394 (LHD) and 2R3987 (RHD), Jaguar Coupe from 2G 50889 (LHD) and 2G1164 (RHD), Daimler Saloon from 2K50121 (LHD) and 2K2243 (RHD), Daimler Coupe from 2F50014 (LHD) and 2F1079 (RHD), Vanden Plas from 2P50138 (LHD) and 2P1931 (RHD)
Richiesto: 5
pedal box retaining
Jaguar Saloon from 2R55394 (LHD) and 2R3987 (RHD), Jaguar Coupe from 2G 50889 (LHD) and 2G1164 (RHD), Daimler Saloon from 2K50121 (LHD) and 2K2243 (RHD), Daimler Coupe from 2F50014 (LHD) and 2F1079 (RHD), Vanden Plas from 2P50138 (LHD) and 2P1931 (RHD)
Richiesto: 5
Jaguar Saloon from 2R55394 (LHD) and 2R3987 (RHD), Jaguar Coupe from 2G 50889 (LHD) and 2G1164 (RHD), Daimler Saloon from 2K50121 (LHD) and 2K2243 (RHD), Daimler Coupe from 2F50014 (LHD) and 2F1079 (RHD), Vanden Plas from 2P50138 (LHD) and 2P1931 (RHD)
Richiesto: 3
pedal box
Jaguar Saloon from 2R55394 (LHD) and 2R3987 (RHD), Jaguar Coupe from 2G 50889 (LHD) and 2G1164 (RHD), Daimler Saloon from 2K50121 (LHD) and 2K2243 (RHD), Daimler Coupe from 2F50014 (LHD) and 2F1079 (RHD), Vanden Plas from 2P50138 (LHD) and 2P1931 (RHD)
Richiesto: 1
with bracket assembly - replaces original switch
Jaguar Saloon to 2R51990 (LHD) and 2R2862 (RHD), Daimler Saloon to 2K50066 (LHD) and 2K1606 (RHD), Vanden Plas to 2P50023 (LHD) and 2P1500 (RHD)
Richiesto: 1
- upper
Jaguar Saloon to 2R51990 (LHD) and 2R2862 (RHD), Daimler Saloon to 2K50066 (LHD) and 2K1606 (RHD), Vanden Plas to 2P50023 (LHD) and 2P1500 (RHD)
Richiesto: 1
- middle and lower
Jaguar Saloon to 2R51990 (LHD) and 2R2862 (RHD), Daimler Saloon to 2K50066 (LHD) and 2K1606 (RHD), Vanden Plas to 2P50023 (LHD) and 2P1500 (RHD)
Richiesto: 2
Jaguar Saloon to 2R51990 (LHD) and 2R2862 (RHD), Daimler Saloon to 2K50066 (LHD) and 2K1606 (RHD), Vanden Plas to 2P50023 (LHD) and 2P1500 (RHD)
Richiesto: 2
Jaguar Saloon to 2R51990 (LHD) and 2R2862 (RHD), Daimler Saloon to 2K50066 (LHD) and 2K1606 (RHD), Vanden Plas to 2P50023 (LHD) and 2P1500 (RHD)
Richiesto: 2
- LHD models
Jaguar Saloon to 2R51990 (LHD) and 2R2862 (RHD), Daimler Saloon to 2K50066 (LHD) and 2K1606 (RHD), Vanden Plas to 2P50023 (LHD) and 2P1500 (RHD)
Richiesto: 1
- RHD models
Jaguar Saloon to 2R51990 (LHD) and 2R2862 (RHD), Daimler Saloon to 2K50066 (LHD) and 2K1606 (RHD), Vanden Plas to 2P50023 (LHD) and 2P1500 (RHD)
Richiesto: 1
Jaguar Saloon to 2R51990 (LHD) and 2R2862 (RHD), Daimler Saloon to 2K50066 (LHD) and 2K1606 (RHD), Vanden Plas to 2P50023 (LHD) and 2P1500 (RHD)
Richiesto: 2
brake light switch retaining
Jaguar Saloon to 2R51990 (LHD) and 2R2862 (RHD), Daimler Saloon to 2K50066 (LHD) and 2K1606 (RHD), Vanden Plas to 2P50023 (LHD) and 2P1500 (RHD)
Richiesto: 1
Jaguar Saloon to 2R51990 (LHD) and 2R2862 (RHD), Daimler Saloon to 2K50066 (LHD) and 2K1606 (RHD), Vanden Plas to 2P50023 (LHD) and 2P1500 (RHD)
Richiesto: 1
with bracket assembly
Jaguar Saloon from 2R51991 (LHD) and 2R2863 (RHD), all Jaguar Coupe, Daimler Saloon from 2K50067 (LHD) and 2K1607 (RHD), all Daimler Coupe, Vanden Plas from 2P50024 (LHD) and 2P1501 (RHD)
Richiesto: 1
Jaguar Saloon from 2R51991 (LHD) and 2R2863 (RHD), all Jaguar Coupe, Daimler Saloon from 2K50067 (LHD) and 2K1607 (RHD), all Daimler Coupe, Vanden Plas from 2P50024 (LHD) and 2P1501 (RHD)
Richiesto: 1
brake light switch
Jaguar Saloon from 2R51991 (LHD) and 2R2863 (RHD), all Jaguar Coupe, Daimler Saloon from 2K50067 (LHD) and 2K1607 (RHD), all Daimler Coupe, Vanden Plas from 2P50024 (LHD) and 2P1501 (RHD)
Richiesto: 1
- separately
Jaguar Saloon from 2R51991 (LHD) and 2R2863 (RHD), all Jaguar Coupe, Daimler Saloon from 2K50067 (LHD) and 2K1607 (RHD), all Daimler Coupe, Vanden Plas from 2P50024 (LHD) and 2P1501 (RHD)
Richiesto: 1
Jaguar Saloon from 2R51991 (LHD) and 2R2863 (RHD), all Jaguar Coupe, Daimler Saloon from 2K50067 (LHD) and 2K1607 (RHD), all Daimler Coupe, Vanden Plas from 2P50024 (LHD) and 2P1501 (RHD)
Richiesto: 2
brake light switch retaining
Jaguar Saloon from 2R51991 (LHD) and 2R2863 (RHD), all Jaguar Coupe, Daimler Saloon from 2K50067 (LHD) and 2K1607 (RHD), all Daimler Coupe, Vanden Plas from 2P50024 (LHD) and 2P1501 (RHD)
Richiesto: 1
Jaguar Saloon from 2R51991 (LHD) and 2R2863 (RHD), all Jaguar Coupe, Daimler Saloon from 2K50067 (LHD) and 2K1607 (RHD), all Daimler Coupe, Vanden Plas from 2P50024 (LHD) and 2P1501 (RHD)
Richiesto: 1
Jaguar Saloon from 2R51991 (LHD) and 2R2863 (RHD), all Jaguar Coupe, Daimler Saloon from 2K50067 (LHD) and 2K1607 (RHD), all Daimler Coupe, Vanden Plas from 2P50024 (LHD) and 2P1501 (RHD)
Richiesto: 1
Jaguar Saloon from 2R51991 (LHD) and 2R2863 (RHD), all Jaguar Coupe, Daimler Saloon from 2K50067 (LHD) and 2K1607 (RHD), all Daimler Coupe, Vanden Plas from 2P50024 (LHD) and 2P1501 (RHD)
Richiesto: 1
Jaguar Saloon from 2R51991 (LHD) and 2R2863 (RHD), all Jaguar Coupe, Daimler Saloon from 2K50067 (LHD) and 2K1607 (RHD), all Daimler Coupe, Vanden Plas from 2P50024 (LHD) and 2P1501 (RHD)
Richiesto: 1