Exhaust emission control system (extra air valve) - 3.6 litre 6 cylinder models
controlled by coolant temperature
Richiesto: 1
- auxiliary air valve to air pipe
Richiesto: 1
inlet breather
Richiesto: 1
- auxiliary air valve to air pipe
Richiesto: 1
Richiesto: 1
retaining air pipe outlet
Richiesto: 1
air pipe outlet to adaptorinlet manifold
Richiesto: 1
to inlet manifold
Richiesto: 1
adaptor to inlet manifold
Richiesto: 1
retaining adaptor to inlet manifold
Richiesto: 4
presure sensor - Vehicles with manual transmission
Richiesto: 1
presure sensor - Vehicles with automatic transmission
Richiesto: 1
length: 24"
Richiesto: 2
Richiesto: 1
retaining clip vacuum pipe
Richiesto: 5