Cylinder block and oil filter - 2.5 NA Diesel
oil gallery - rear position
To engine number 12J43824C
Richiesto: 2
engine block
From engine number 12J43825C
Richiesto: 3
retaining flywheel housing to cylinder block
Richiesto: 2
cylinder block - cup type with 2.07" diameter
Richiesto: 6
in cylinder block - feature: metric thread
To engine number 12J43824C
Richiesto: 1
cylinder block
From engine number 12J43825C
Richiesto: 1
screw plug to cylinder block
To engine number 12J43824C
Richiesto: 1
From engine number 12J43825C
Richiesto: 1
main bearing cap
To engine number 12J43824C
Richiesto: 10
main bearing cap
From engine number 12J43825C
Richiesto: 10
retaining clip for cable harness
Richiesto: 1
cylinder block - rear
To engine number 12J39054C
Richiesto: 1
rear position
from engine number 12J39055C
Richiesto: 1
cylinder block - cup type with 0.71" diameter
Richiesto: 2
adaptor oil filter
Vehicles without oil cooler
Richiesto: 1
adaptor oil filter
Vehicles without oil cooler
Richiesto: 1
adaptor oil filter
Vehicles without oil cooler
Richiesto: 1
between oil filter and cylinder block
Vehicles with oil cooler
Richiesto: 1
between oil filter and cylinder block
Vehicles without oil cooler
Richiesto: 1
retaining - clip for cable harness
Richiesto: 2
retaining flywheel housing to cylinder block
Richiesto: 2
retaining flywheel housing to cylinder block
Richiesto: 2
retaining flywheel housing to cylinder block
Richiesto: 6
for rear oil sealing of the crankshaft
To engine number 12J10960C
Richiesto: 1
inspection aperture
Early modells before July 1986
Richiesto: 2
inspection aperture
Early modells before July 1986
Richiesto: 2
inspection aperture
Early modells before July 1986
Richiesto: 2
inspection apreture
Early models before July 1986
Richiesto: 2
inspection aperture
Early modells before July 1986
Richiesto: 1
inspection aperture
Early modells before July 1986
Richiesto: 1
for oil hole on cylinder block front side
Richiesto: 1
piston bottom cooling on 1st and 3rd cylinder
Richiesto: 2
piston bottom cooling on 2nd and 4th cylinder
Richiesto: 2
engine block
From engine number 12J43825C
Richiesto: 1