Front brake - 109
front wheel cylinder
Services 2 cylinders
Richiesto: 2
retaining anchor plate
Serie II, IIA and III to September 1980
Richiesto: 12
retaining anchor plate
Serie III from October 1980
Richiesto: 12
anchor plate, front
Serie II, IIA and III to September 1980
Richiesto: 6
anchor plate, front
Serie III from October 1980
Richiesto: 12
Richiesto: 4
steady post
Richiesto: 4
bridge between front wheel cylinders - length: 15.3/4"
Richiesto: 2
behind brake anchor plate
Serie III from October 1980
Richiesto: 2
109" Series II and IIA 4 cylinder models (1958-71)
Richiesto: 2
109" Series III 4 cylinder models except 1 ton (1971-85)
Richiesto: 2