Impianto di scarico - TR2 a TR4
in mild steel with 24" length. May replace original 18" silencer used on TR2 to TS2532
Richiesto: 1
in stainless steel with 24" length. May replace original 18" silencer used on TR2 to TS2532
Richiesto: 1
TR2, TR3 a TS11716 (1953-56)
Richiesto: 1
in stainless steel
TR2, TR3 to TS11716 (1953-56)
Richiesto: 1
mild steel
TR3 from TS11717, TR3A, TR3B and TR4
Richiesto: 1
stainless steel
TR3 from TS11717, TR3A, TR3B and TR4
Richiesto: 1
tail pipe
Richiesto: 1
front exhaust mounting - upper half
TR2 to TS4309.
If not available use clamp 13835 (ill. 34)
Richiesto: 1
front exhaust mounting - lower half
TR2 to TS4309.
If not available use clamp 13835 (ill. 34)
Richiesto: 1
TR2 to TS4309 - front exhaust mounting
Richiesto: 5
for exhaust rubber strap
TR2 to TS4309 - front exhaust mounting
Richiesto: 2
staffa di sostegno dello scarico al telaio
Richiesto: 1
TR2 to TS4309 - front exhaust mounting
Richiesto: 1
front exhaust mounting
TR2 from TS4310, TR3 to TS11716
If not available use clamp 13835 (ill. 34)
Richiesto: 1
TR2 from TS4310, TR3 to TS11716 - front exhaust mounting
Richiesto: 1
TR2 from TS4310, TR3 to TS11716 - front exhaust mounting
Richiesto: 3
TR2 from TS4310, TR3 to TS11716 - front exhaust mounting
Richiesto: 3
TR2 from TS4310, TR3 to TS11716 - front exhaust mounting
Richiesto: 4
TR2 from TS4310, TR3 to TS11716 - front exhaust mounting
Richiesto: 2
staffa di sostegno dello scarico al telaio
Richiesto: 1
for exhaust rubber strap
TR2 from TS4310, TR3 to TS11716 - front exhaust mounting
Richiesto: 2
TR2 from TS4310, TR3 to TS11716 - front exhaust mounting
Richiesto: 2
TR2 from TS4310, TR3 to TS11716 - front exhaust mounting
Richiesto: 2
TR2 from TS4310, TR3 to TS11716 - front exhaust mounting
Richiesto: 1
TR2 from TS4310, TR3 to TS11716 - front exhaust mounting
Richiesto: 1
TR3 from TS11717, TR3A and TR3B - front exhaust mounting
Richiesto: 1
TR3 from TS11717, TR3A and TR3B - front exhaust mounting
Richiesto: 1
TR3 from TS11717, TR3A and TR3B - front exhaust mounting
Richiesto: 6
TR3 from TS11717, TR3A and TR3B - front exhaust mounting
Richiesto: 3
TR3 from TS11717, TR3A and TR3B - front exhaust mounting
Richiesto: 4
TR3 from TS11717, TR3A and TR3B - front exhaust mounting
Richiesto: 2
exhaust to bracket
TR4 - front exhaust mounting
Richiesto: 1
Middle exhaust mounting
Richiesto: 1
staffa di sostegno dello scarico al telaio
Richiesto: 1
rear silencer, front mounting - rubber strap to exhaust clamp
TR4 from CT14544 (1962-65)
Richiesto: 1
for exhaust rubber strap
TR4 from CT114544 - middle exhaust mounting
Richiesto: 2
staffa di sostegno dello scarico al telaio
Richiesto: 1
terminale di scarico
Richiesto: 1
per gomma di montaggio - sostegno posteriere per marmitta
Richiesto: 2
TR3 da TS11717, TR3A e TR3B (1956-62). Attenzione: può essere utilizzato anche per i modelli precedenti, ma sono necessarie modifiche a staffe e morsetti
Richiesto: 1
TR4 (1961-65)
Richiesto: 1
in acciaio inossidabile
TR2, TR3, TR3A, TR3B e TR4 (1953-65)
Richiesto: 1