Zenith Stromberg CD150 internal carburettor 1500 - USA specification from December 1974
for Zenith Stromberg 150CD carburettors - variant with hexagonal plastic head
Carburettor reference no.: 3643, 3686, 3837 and 3864
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for Zenith Stromberg 150CD carburettors - variant with hexagonal plastic head
Carburettor reference no.: 3960 und 3961
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fixed type - marked: B1DL
Carburettor reference no.: 3643 (California) and 3686 (USA and Canada)
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fixed type - marked: B1BL
Carburettor reference no.: 3837 (USA and Canada)
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fixed type - marked: 45P
Carburettor reference no.: 3960 (USA and Canada)
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fixed type - marked: 45N
Carburettor reference no.: 3961 (USA incl. California)
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fixed type - marked: 45L
Carburettor reference no.: 3864 (California)
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throttle disc retaining on Zenith Stromberg carburettors
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throttle spindle
Richiesto: 2
Carburettor reference no.: 3886, 3837 and 3960
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throttle stop lever
Carburettor reference no.: 3886, 3837 and 3960
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Carburettor reference no.: 3643, 3864 and 3961
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throttle stop lever
Carburettor reference no.: 3643, 3864 and 3961
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Carburettor reference no.: 3686
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Carburettor reference no.: 3643, 3837, 3864, 3960 and 3961 (cars with catalytic converter)
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automatic choke
Carburettor reference no.: 3643, 3837, 3864, 3960 and 3961 (cars with catalytic converter)
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automatic choke
Carburettor reference no.: 3643, 3837, 3864, 3960 and 3961 (cars with catalytic converter)
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cover to automatic choke unit
Carburettor reference no.: 3643, 3837, 3864, 3960 and 3961 (cars with catalytic converter)
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Carburettor reference no.: 3643, 3837, 3864, 3960 and 3961 (cars with catalytic converter)
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Carburettor reference no.: 3643, 3837, 3864, 3960 and 3961 (cars with catalytic converter)
Richiesto: 3
Carburettor reference no.: 3643, 3837, 3864, 3960 and 3961 (cars with catalytic converter)
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automatic choke
Carburettor reference no.: 3643, 3837, 3864, 3960 and 3961 (cars with catalytic converter)
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Zenith Stromberg carburettor
Carburettor reference no.: 3643, 3837, 3864, 3960 and 3961 (cars with catalytic converter)
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vacuum piston
Carburettor reference no.: 3643, 3837, 3864, 3960 and 3961 (cars with catalytic converter)
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vacuum piston cover
Carburettor reference no.: 3643, 3837, 3864, 3960 and 3961 (cars with catalytic converter)
Richiesto: 3
automatic choke retaining - long
Carburettor reference no.: 3643, 3837, 3864, 3960 and 3961 (cars with catalytic converter)
Richiesto: 2
automatic choke retaining - short
Carburettor reference no.: 3643, 3837, 3864, 3960 and 3961 (cars with catalytic converter)
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Carburettor reference no.: 3686, 3643 and 3961
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Carburettor reference no.: 3837, 3864 and 3960
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bypass valve to carburettor body - short
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air regulator
Carburettor reference no.: 3837, 3864, 3960 and 3961
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air regulator valve
Carburettor reference no.: 3837, 3864, 3960 and 3961
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air regulator valve
Carburettor reference no.: 3837, 3864, 3960 and 3961
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for Zenith Stromberg 175CD carburettors - bore: 1.75 mm
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for Zenith Stromberg carburettors - superior replacement of needle valve and seat
Superior replacement of needle valve and seat. This valve is less likely to stick open or over fuel on run over
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per carburatore Zenith Stromberg - galleggiante inaffondabile in gomma nitrilica
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float chamber on Zenith Stromberg carburettors - made of plastic with brass cap and 'O' ring
Plastic with brass cap
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for one Zenith Stromberg 150CD type carburettor
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for one Zenith Stromberg 150CD type carburettor
Carburettor reference no.: 3686
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for one Zenith Stromberg 150CD type carburettor
Carburettor reference no.: 3643, 3837, 3864, 3960 and 3961
Richiesto: 1
Per carburatore Zenith Stromberg modello 150CD
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