spinterogeno Lucas tipo 22D6 con sistema a vuoto - carburatore TR6 dal maggio 1975
22D6 top entry type with vacuum unit, Lucas no. 41558 - reconditioned, in exchange
Serial no. LU41558
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for Lucas 22D6 and 25D6 top entry distributor. Identified by push fit ignition leads
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with spring - inside Lucas 22D and 25D distributor cap
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- improved version
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improved version for Lucas 22D6, 25D6, DMBZ6 and DVX6A distributors. Please note: distributor rotation anti-clockwise
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for Lucas distributors. Variant with lucar terminal. Please note: downward pointing connector
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per distributore Lucas DM2, DM2P4, 22D, 23D e 25D - tipo monoblocco para distribuidores de 3mm de placa
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for Lucas DM2, DM2P4, 22D, 23D and 25D distributors - competition two-piece type with 32 oz for distributors with a 9 mm long peg on base plate
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for Lucas DM2, DM2P4, 22D, 23D and 25D distributors - competition two-piece type with 32 oz for distributors with a 9 mm long peg on base plate
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with vacuum code 3-10-7R 'retard' and push on vacuum pipe. Fits Lucas 22D6 distributor 41385 and 41558
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tachometer drive gear
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supplied in a set of 5 selective springs
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con 16 curve di accensione preprogrammate - per motori a 6 cilindri con spinterogeno Lucas. Per i veicoli con negativo a massa
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EGR valve to cylinder head
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EGR valve to inlet manifold
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EGR valve pipe to inlet manifold
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securing flame trap on rocker cover, rear
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flame trap to bracket
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vacuum hose - straight
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securing flame trap on rocker cover, front
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flame trap to bracket
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