Directions to branches
Visit us in Germany an Spain!
Limora in Buchholz (central warehouse)
Industriepark Nord 21
D - 53567 Buchholz
phone: +49 (0) 26 83 - 97 99 0
fax: +49 (0) 26 83 - 70 59
You can find our opening hours here...
Directions from the A3
Exit no. 34 (Bad Honnef/Linz, towards Eitorf) through Buchholz, turn left in Buchholz-Oberscheid towards Industriepark Mendt just before the B8, turn left into the industrial area (corner "PFB- Concrete") then straight on to the end of the street.
From the B8 through Uckerath - approx. 3 km of the country road turn right towards Altenkirchen - right again (corner "PFB-Beton") then straight on to the end of the street.
Limora in Düsseldorf
Harffstraße 110a
D - 40591 Düsseldorf
phone: +49 (0) 211 - 98 47 10 1
fax: +49 (0) 211 - 98 47 10 8
You can find our business hours here...
Limora in Spanien
33006 Oviedo
Rafael Altamira 10
phone: +34 91 059 08 27 or +34 985 877 053
Via Giordano Bruno 164
10134 Torino (TO)
Fixed line: +39 011 0744255
mobile: +39 (0) 333 2301483
mobile: +39 (0) 333 2301484
You will find us not far from the "Fabbrica Fiat - Lingotto" and the "Passerella Olimpica" – 10 minutes walk.