Water pump - Series III
- identification: pulley fixing with central bolt
4.2 without air conditioning to (VIN) 330298, 4.2 with air conditioning to (VIN) 330665, 3.4 to (VIN) 329483
Benodigd: 1
water pump
XJ6 Series III (1979-81) - 4.2 without air conditioning to VIN...330298, 4.2 with air conditioning to VIN...330665 and 3.4 to VIN...329483
Benodigd: 1
4.2 without air conditioning to (VIN) 330298, 4.2 with air conditioning to (VIN) 330665, 3.4 to (VIN) 329483
Benodigd: 2
bypass hose to water pump
4.2 without air conditioning to (VIN) 330298, 4.2 with air conditioning to (VIN) 330665, 3.4 to (VIN) 329483
Benodigd: 1
4.2 without air conditioning to (VIN) 330298, 4.2 with air conditioning to (VIN) 330665, 3.4 to (VIN) 329483
Benodigd: 1
4.2 without air conditioning to (VIN) 330298, 4.2 with air conditioning to (VIN) 330665, 3.4 to (VIN) 329483
Benodigd: 1
4.2 without air conditioning to (VIN) 330298, 4.2 with air conditioning to (VIN) 330665, 3.4 to (VIN) 329483
Benodigd: 1
4.2 without air conditioning to (VIN) 330298, 4.2 with air conditioning to (VIN) 330665, 3.4 to (VIN) 329483
Benodigd: 1
at water pump - galvanized
4.2 without air conditioning to (VIN) 330298, 4.2 with air conditioning to (VIN) 330665, 3.4 to (VIN) 329483
Benodigd: 1
at water pump - stainless steel
4.2 without air conditioning to (VIN) 330298, 4.2 with air conditioning to (VIN) 330665, 3.4 to (VIN) 329483
Benodigd: 1
4.2 without air conditioning to (VIN) 330298, 4.2 with air conditioning to (VIN) 330665, 3.4 to (VIN) 329483
Benodigd: 2
water pump to heater pipe
4.2 without air conditioning to (VIN) 330298, 4.2 with air conditioning to (VIN) 330665, 3.4 to (VIN) 329483
Benodigd: 1
4.2 without air conditioning to (VIN) 330298, 4.2 with air conditioning to (VIN) 330665, 3.4 to (VIN) 329483
Benodigd: 1
4.2 without air conditioning to (VIN) 330298, 4.2 with air conditioning to (VIN) 330665, 3.4 to (VIN) 329483
Benodigd: 2
heater pipe
4.2 without air conditioning to (VIN) 330298, 4.2 with air conditioning to (VIN) 330665, 3.4 to (VIN) 329483
Benodigd: 2
4.2 without air conditioning to (VIN) 330298, 4.2 with air conditioning to (VIN) 330665, 3.4 to (VIN) 329483
Benodigd: 2
4.2 without air conditioning to (VIN) 330298, 4.2 with air conditioning to (VIN) 330665, 3.4 to (VIN) 329483
Benodigd: 2
water pump shaft
4.2 without air conditioning to (VIN) 330298, 4.2 with air conditioning to (VIN) 330665, 3.4 to (VIN) 329483
Benodigd: 1
water pump
4.2 to engine no. 8L88582, 3.4 to engine no. 8A11231
Benodigd: 1
water pump
4.2 to engine no. 8L88582, 3.4 to engine no. 8A11231
Benodigd: 1
water pump
4.2 from engine no. 8L88583 to (VIN) 330298 (without air conditioning) and to (VIN) 330665 (with air conditioning), 3.4 from engine no. 8A11232 to (VIN) 329483
Benodigd: 1
water pump
4.2 from engine no. 8L88583 to (VIN) 330298 (without air conditioning) and to (VIN) 330665 (with air conditioning), 3.4 from engine no. 8A11232 to (VIN) 329483
Benodigd: 1
for water pump sealing ring
4.2 from engine no. 8L88583 to (VIN) 330298 (without air conditioning) and to (VIN) 330665 (with air conditioning), 3.4 from engine no. 8A11232 to (VIN) 329483
Benodigd: 1
to throttle body
4.2 without air conditioning to (VIN) 330298, 4.2 with air conditioning to (VIN) 330665
Benodigd: 1
worm type with 9 mm width - for hoses with 12-14 mm outer diameter
4.2 without air conditioning to (VIN) 330298, 4.2 with air conditioning to (VIN) 330665
Benodigd: 2
at water pump
4.2 without air conditioning to (VIN) 330298, 4.2 with air conditioning to (VIN) 330665
Benodigd: 1
4.2 without air conditioning to (VIN) 330298, 4.2 with air conditioning to (VIN) 330665
Benodigd: 1
water pump - 5/16" allen drive with 3/8" x 19 BSPT thread, tappered, 1/2" total height
3.4 to (VIN) 329483
Benodigd: 1
water pump
4.2 without air conditioning to (VIN) 330298, 4.2 with air conditioning to (VIN) 330665, 3.4 to (VIN) 329483
Benodigd: 1
4.2 without air conditioning to (VIN) 330298, 4.2 with air conditioning to (VIN) 330665, 3.4 to (VIN) 329483
Benodigd: 1
4.2 without air conditioning to (VIN) 330298, 4.2 with air conditioning to (VIN) 330665, 3.4 to (VIN) 329483
Benodigd: 1
- length: 3.1/4"
4.2 without air conditioning to (VIN) 330298, 4.2 with air conditioning to (VIN) 330665, 3.4 to (VIN) 329483
Benodigd: 2
- length: 2.5/8"
4.2 without air conditioning to (VIN) 330298, 4.2 with air conditioning to (VIN) 330665, 3.4 to (VIN) 329483
Benodigd: 2
4.2 without air conditioning to (VIN) 330298, 4.2 with air conditioning to (VIN) 330665, 3.4 to (VIN) 329483
Benodigd: 4
- identification: pulley fixing with 4 bolts
4.2 without air conditioning from (VIN) 330299, 4.2 with air conditioning from (VIN) 330666, 3.4 from (VIN) 329484
Benodigd: 1
water pump
XJ6 Series III (1981-87) - 4.2 without air conditioning from VIN...330299, 4.2 with air conditioning from VIN...330666 and 3.4 from VIN...329484
Benodigd: 1
4.2 without air conditioning from (VIN) 330299, 4.2 with air conditioning from (VIN) 330666, 3.4 from (VIN) 329484
Benodigd: 2
bypass hose to water pump
4.2 without air conditioning from (VIN) 330299, 4.2 with air conditioning from (VIN) 330666, 3.4 from (VIN) 329484
Benodigd: 1
4.2 without air conditioning from (VIN) 330299, 4.2 with air conditioning from (VIN) 330666, 3.4 from (VIN) 329484
Benodigd: 1
4.2 without air conditioning from (VIN) 330299, 4.2 with air conditioning from (VIN) 330666, 3.4 from (VIN) 329484
Benodigd: 1
at water pump - galvanized
4.2 without air conditioning from (VIN) 330299, 4.2 with air conditioning from (VIN) 330666, 3.4 from (VIN) 329484
Benodigd: 1
at water pump - stainless steel
4.2 without air conditioning from (VIN) 330299, 4.2 with air conditioning from (VIN) 330666, 3.4 from (VIN) 329484
Benodigd: 1
water pump to heater pipe
4.2 without air conditioning from (VIN) 330299, 4.2 with air conditioning from (VIN) 330666, 3.4 from (VIN) 329484
Benodigd: 1
4.2 without air conditioning from (VIN) 330299, 4.2 with air conditioning from (VIN) 330666, 3.4 from (VIN) 329484
Benodigd: 1
4.2 without air conditioning from (VIN) 330299, 4.2 with air conditioning from (VIN) 330666, 3.4 from (VIN) 329484
Benodigd: 2
heater pipe
4.2 without air conditioning from (VIN) 330299, 4.2 with air conditioning from (VIN) 330666, 3.4 from (VIN) 329484
Benodigd: 2
4.2 without air conditioning from (VIN) 330299, 4.2 with air conditioning from (VIN) 330666, 3.4 from (VIN) 329484
Benodigd: 2
4.2 without air conditioning from (VIN) 330299, 4.2 with air conditioning from (VIN) 330666, 3.4 from (VIN) 329484
Benodigd: 2
water pump
4.2 without air conditioning from (VIN) 330299, 4.2 with air conditioning from (VIN) 330666, 3.4 from (VIN) 329484
Benodigd: 1
water pump
4.2 from (VIN) 330299 ( without air conditioning) and from (VIN) 330666 (with air conditioning) to engine no. 8L179788, 3.4 from (VIN) 329484 to engine no. 8A15830
Benodigd: 1
water pump
4.2 from (VIN) 330299 ( without air conditioning) and from (VIN) 330666 (with air conditioning) to engine no. 8L179788, 3.4 from (VIN) 329484 to engine no. 8A15830
Benodigd: 1
water pump shaft
4.2 from (VIN) 330299 ( without air conditioning) and from (VIN) 330666 (with air conditioning) to engine no. 8L179788, 3.4 from (VIN) 329484 to engine no. 8A15830
Benodigd: 1
for water pump sealing ring
4.2 from (VIN) 330299 ( without air conditioning) and from (VIN) 330666 (with air conditioning) to engine no. 8L179788, 3.4 from (VIN) 329484 to engine no. 8A15830
Benodigd: 1
water pump
4.2 from engine no. 8L179779, 3.4 from engine no. 8L15831
Benodigd: 1
and bearing for water pump
4.2 from engine no. 8L179779, 3.4 from engine no. 8L15831
Benodigd: 1
water pump shaft
4.2 from engine no. 8L179779, 3.4 from engine no. 8L15831
Benodigd: 1
to throttle body
4.2 without air conditioning from (VIN) 330299, 4.2 with air conditioning from (VIN) 330666
Benodigd: 1
worm type with 9 mm width - for hoses with 12-14 mm outer diameter
4.2 without air conditioning from (VIN) 330299, 4.2 with air conditioning from (VIN) 330666
Benodigd: 2
at water pump
4.2 without air conditioning from (VIN) 330299, 4.2 with air conditioning from (VIN) 330666
Benodigd: 1
4.2 without air conditioning from (VIN) 330299, 4.2 with air conditioning from (VIN) 330666
Benodigd: 1
water pump - 5/16" allen drive with 3/8" x 19 BSPT thread, tappered, 1/2" total height
3.4 from (VIN) 329484
Benodigd: 1
4.2 without air conditioning from (VIN) 330299, 4.2 with air conditioning from (VIN) 330666, 3.4 from (VIN) 329484
Benodigd: 1
4.2 without air conditioning from (VIN) 330299, 4.2 with air conditioning from (VIN) 330666, 3.4 from (VIN) 329484
Benodigd: 1
- length: 3.1/4"
4.2 without air conditioning from (VIN) 330299, 4.2 with air conditioning from (VIN) 330666, 3.4 from (VIN) 329484
Benodigd: 2
- length: 2.5/8"
4.2 without air conditioning from (VIN) 330299, 4.2 with air conditioning from (VIN) 330666, 3.4 from (VIN) 329484
Benodigd: 2
4.2 without air conditioning from (VIN) 330299, 4.2 with air conditioning from (VIN) 330666, 3.4 from (VIN) 329484
Benodigd: 4
water pump
4.2 to engine no. 8L179778, 3.4 to engine no. 8A15830
Benodigd: 1
water pump
4.2 from engine no. 8L179779, 3.4 from engine no. 8A15831
Benodigd: 1
A heavy NLGI No 4 calcium based moderate duty grease for auto water pumps
Benodigd: 1
Inhoud: 50 g (€ 327,20* / 1000 g)