Ignition coil, ignition leads and spark plugs
with push-in HT lead terminal and approx. 1.4 Ohm primary resistance. Ballasted type
TR6 Carburettor from CF1, TR6 P.I. from CR1.
Please note: the ballast resistor is in the wire from the fuse box to the coil
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ignition lead to ignition coil - 3 piece set
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from ignition coil to distributor
TR5/250, TR6 Carburettor to CC85737, TR6 P.I. to CP77718
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from ignition coil to distributor
TR6 Carburettor from CF1, TR6 P.I. from CR1
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for Lucas 22D6 distributor, with top entry cap. 7 mm Mag-Wire HT lead set with silicone jacket in black.Identified by push fit ignition leads
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with copper wire in silicone core and black PVC jacket
Supplied per metre.
for ignition coil with 'Lucas' lettering. Size: 77 x 28 mm
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on ignition leads with 'firing order' for six cylinder models
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wordt in de (koperen) hoogspanningskabel geschroefd
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90° angled - plastic reproduction with Champion lettering
Benodigd: 6
90° angled - fits directly to the spark plug
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60° angled - fits directly to the spark plug
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