+ 0.020", 3 rings, flat, CR 10.3:1
Productinformatie "Zuigers"
Mini: Mini 998 cc A+ Engine No. 99H997P 162658 on, 99H998P 105033 on, 99HA53P 100101 on, 99HA94P 100101 on, 99HB81P 100101 to 127431, 99HB82P 100101 to 103735 (intermitted 103736>103890), 99HC20P 100101 to 105023
+ 0.020", 3 rings, flat, CR 10.3:1
Alternative products

Zuiger set
+ 0,020", 3 rings, flat, CR 10.3:1
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Productnummer: 306557