Water pump, fan belt and fan blade - 200Tdi Diesel
Necessário: 1
7 blade plastic type
Necessário: 1
retaining viscous coupling to fan
Necessário: 4
retaining viscous coupling to fan
Necessário: 4
retaining pulley to water pump
Necessário: 3
retaining pulley to water pump
Necessário: 3
between water pump and thermostat housing
Necessário: 2
between water pump and thermostat housing
Necessário: 1
retaining water pump. Length: 1"
Necessário: 3
retaining water pump. Length: 2.1/8"
Necessário: 2
retaining water pump. Length 4"
Necessário: 2
retaining water pump. Length: 4"
Necessário: 1
retaining water pump
Necessário: 1
thermostat housing - for vehicles with air conditioning
Necessário: 1
thermostat housing - for vehicles without air conditioning
Necessário: 1
retaining cover thermostat housing
Necessário: 3
radiator fan
Necessário: 1
Models from Switzerland
Models from Switzerland
Necessário: 1
temperture sensor
Necessário: 1
thermal transmitter
Necessário: 1
Models from Switzerland
Necessário: 1
between thermostat housing and cylinder head
Necessário: 1
retaining thermostat housing. Length: 1"
Necessário: 1
retaining thermostat housing. Length: 1.1/3"
Necessário: 2