SU-H1 Carburettors - Sprite I (1958-61)
H1 type - reconditioned, in exchange
Necessário: 1
HS2 type. Complete kit comprising 20° down draught inlet manifold, heat shield and interconnecting linkage
Necessário: 1
float lid - with hexagonal zinc plated head
Necessário: 2
float chamber on SU-H and SU-HD carburettors. Made from plated brass, length: 19"
Necessário: 2
for SU carburettors - bore: 0.070"
Necessário: 2
for SU-H, SU-HD and SU-HS type carburettors - superior replacement of needle valve and seat
Necessário: 2
with gasket - for SU H & HD type carburettor, diameter: 1.5"
Necessário: 2
float chamber to carburettor body - feature: 7/16" BSF thread
Necessário: 2
7/16" - outer diameter: 13/16", thickness: 1/64"
Necessário: 2
float chamber to carburettor body - feature: 3/8" BSF thread
later variant - alternative to illustration no.'s. 14, 16 and 17
Necessário: 2
1/2" - outer diameter: 15/16" - thickness: 1/16"
Necessário: 4
with vent and black hexagonal plastic head - length of the rod: 2.125"
Necessário: 2
with piston
Necessário: 2
front carburettor
Necessário: 1
rear carburettor
Necessário: 1
throttle spindles
Necessário: 2
Necessário: 5
for idle control adjusting on SU-H carburettors
Necessário: 3
front carburettor. Feature: connector for breather hose
Necessário: 1
for SU-H1 carburettors. Round filter with centre type flange and 25 mm total height, chromed
Necessário: 2
rear carburettor. Feature: no connector for breather hose
Necessário: 1
with cork glands - for SU-H type carburettors with fixed needle
Necessário: 2
with treated rubber seals - for SU-H type carburettors with fixed needle
Necessário: 2
Necessário: 1
Necessário: 2
throttle spindle return spring
Necessário: 1
for throttle spindle return spring
Necessário: 1
for SU and Zenith Stromberg carburettor from 1950
Necessário: 1
Conteúdo: 125 ml (72,00 €* / 1000 ml)
for one SU-H1, H2 or H4 type carburettor
Necessário: 2
for one SU-H1 type carburettors. Comprising service kit 200205 plus throttle disc and throttle spindle
Necessário: 2
crank case - external inlet pipe for 5/8" hose, diameter: 51 mm, total height: 38 mm
Necessário: 1
highly active special carburettor cleaner for all carburettor systems of 2- and 4-stroke engines
Necessário: 1
Conteúdo: 400 ml (24,75 €* / 1000 ml)