Rowe Hydraulic oil

Número de produto: 554851
Hightec LHM plus - mineral oil based fluid for hydraulic level controls, hydropneumatic suspension systems and power steering and braking aids

14,90 €*

Conteúdo: 1 l
Preço incluí IVA (19%) custos de envio não incluídos.
Número de produto: 546794
29,99 €*
Necessário: 1
Informações de produto "Rowe Hydraulic oil"

Hightec LHM plus - mineral oil based fluid for hydraulic level controls, hydropneumatic suspension systems and power steering and braking aids

Special mineral oil-based hydraulic fluid for the hydraulic support of levelling control, hydropneumatic suspension as well as steering and braking aids. Ideally suited for central hydraulic systems of PSA vehicles. Application range from -40 °C to +100 °C

Base oil: mineral oil
Manufacturer's product name: LHM Plus
Specifications and manufacturer approvals:
  • NH 610 A
  • PSA B71 2710
  • SDFG OF1611S
  • Iveco 18-1823
Type of oil: Oil speciality
Range of use: Hydraulic and steering gear oils
Vehicle type: Üassenger car
Filling amount: 1 litre


Pescoço de enchimento
for hydraulic fluids
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29,99 €*
Número de produto: 546794