Seats and seat covers - TR4 to middle of 1963
in black with white piping - 4 piece kit for both front seats
To CT15273
Necessário: 1
cherokee red with white piping - 4 piece kit for both front seats
To CT15273
Necessário: 1
front seats, matador red with white piping
To CT15273
Necessário: 1
front seats, doeskin with white piping
To CT15273
Necessário: 1
front seats, beige with white piping
To CT15273
Necessário: 1
in tan with white piping - 4 piece kit for both front seats
To CT15273
Necessário: 1
in tan with tan piping - 4 piece kit for both front seats
to CT15273
Necessário: 1
midnight blue with white piping - 4 piece kit for both front seats
To CT15273
Necessário: 1
front seats, dove grey with white piping
To CT15273
Necessário: 1
in black with black piping - 4 piece kit for both front seats
To CT15273
Necessário: 1
in black with white piping - 4 piece kit for both front seats
To CT15273
Necessário: 1
front seats, black with red piping
To CT15273.
These covers are leather on the seat facings only, the backs and sides are leathercloth
Necessário: 1
front seats, cherokee red with white piping
To CT15273.
These covers are leather on the seat facings only, the backs and sides are leathercloth
Necessário: 1
front seats, matador red with white piping
To CT15273.
These covers are leather on the seat facings only, the backs and sides are leathercloth
Necessário: 1
front seats, doeskin with white piping
To CT15273.
These covers are leather on the seat facings only, the backs and sides are leathercloth
Necessário: 1
front seats, beige with white piping
To CT15273.
These covers are leather on the seat facings only, the backs and sides are leathercloth
Necessário: 1
front seats, tan with white piping
To CT15273.
These covers are leather on the seat facings only, the backs and sides are leathercloth
Necessário: 1
front seats, light tan with light tan piping
To CT15273.
These covers are leather on the seat facings only, the backs and sides are leathercloth
Necessário: 1
front seats, midnight blue with white piping
To CT15273.
These covers are leather on the seat facings only, the backs and sides are leathercloth
Necessário: 1
front seats, dove grey with white piping
To CT15273.
These covers are leather on the seat facings only, the backs and sides are leathercloth
Necessário: 1
front seats, black with white piping
From CT1574
Necessário: 1
front seats, cherokee red with white piping
From CT1574
Necessário: 1
front seats, midnight blue with white piping
From CT1574
Necessário: 1
front seats, black with white piping
From CT1574.
These covers are leather on the seat facings only, the backs and sides are leathercloth
Necessário: 1
front seats, cherokee red with white piping
From CT1574.
These covers are leather on the seat facings only, the backs and sides are leathercloth
Necessário: 1
front seats, midnight blue with white piping
From CT1574.
These covers are leather on the seat facings only, the backs and sides are leathercloth
Necessário: 1
for rear seat - in black with white piping
Necessário: 1
for rear seat - in cherokee red with white piping
Necessário: 1
for rear seat - in matador red with white piping
Necessário: 1
for rear seat - in doeskin with white piping
Necessário: 1
for rear seat - in beige with white piping
Necessário: 1
for rear seat - in tan with white piping
Necessário: 1
for rear seat - in midnight blue with white piping
Necessário: 1
for rear seat - in dove grey with white piping
Necessário: 1
for rear seat - in black with black piping
Necessário: 1
for rear seat - in black with white piping
Necessário: 1
for rear seat - in black with red piping
Necessário: 1
for rear seat - in cherokee red with white piping
Necessário: 1
for rear seat - in matador red with white piping
Necessário: 1
for rear seat - in doeskin with white piping
Necessário: 1
for rear seat - in beige with white piping
Necessário: 1
for rear seat - in tan with white piping
Necessário: 1
for rear seat - in light tan with light tan piping
Necessário: 1
for rear seat - in midnight blue with white piping
Necessário: 1
for rear seat - in dove grey with white piping
Necessário: 1
vinyl, cherokee red with white piping
Necessário: 1
vinyl, matador red with white piping
Necessário: 1
vinyl, midnight blue with white piping
Necessário: 1
leather, black with black piping
These seats are leather on the seat facings only, the sides are leathercloth
Necessário: 1
leather, black with white piping
These seats are leather on the seat facings only, the sides are leathercloth
Necessário: 1
leather, black with red piping
These seats are leather on the seat facings only, the sides are leathercloth
Necessário: 1
leather, cherokee red with white piping
These seats are leather on the seat facings only, the sides are leathercloth
Necessário: 1
leather, matador red with white piping
Necessário: 1
leather, doeskin with white piping
These seats are leather on the seat facings only, the sides are leathercloth
Necessário: 1
leather, beige with white piping
These seats are leather on the seat facings only, the sides are leathercloth
Necessário: 1
leather, tan with white piping
These seats are leather on the seat facings only, the sides are leathercloth
Necessário: 1
leather, light tan with light tan piping
These seats are leather on the seat facings only, the sides are leathercloth
Necessário: 1
leather, midnight blue with white piping
These seats are leather on the seat facings only, the sides are leathercloth
Necessário: 1
leather, dove grey with white piping
These seats are leather on the seat facings only, the sides are leathercloth
Necessário: 1
black vinyl with white piping
Soft top models only
Necessário: 1
vinyl, cherokee red with white piping
Soft top models only
Necessário: 1
vinyl, matador red with white piping
Soft top models only
Necessário: 1
vinyl, doeskin with white piping
Soft top models only
Necessário: 1
vinyl, beige with white piping
Soft top models only
Necessário: 1
vinyl, tan with white piping
Soft top models only
Necessário: 1
vinyl, midnight blue with white piping
Soft top models only
Necessário: 1
vinyl, dove grey with white piping
Soft top models only
Necessário: 1
black leather with black piping
Soft top models only
Necessário: 1
leather, black with white piping
Soft top models only
Necessário: 1
leather, black with red piping
Soft top models only
Necessário: 1
leather, cherokee red with white piping
Soft top models only
Necessário: 1
leather, matador red with white piping
Soft top models only
Necessário: 1
leather, doeskin with white piping
Soft top models only
Necessário: 1
leather, beige with white piping
Soft top models only
Necessário: 1
leather, tan with white piping
Soft top models only
Necessário: 1
leather, light tan with light tan piping
Soft top models only
Necessário: 1
leather, midnight blue with white piping
Soft top models only
Necessário: 1
leather, dove grey with white piping
Soft top models only
Necessário: 1
Rear seat
Necessário: 2
Rear seat
Necessário: 4
for both front seats. Content: 2 seat face paddings and 2 seat back paddings
Necessário: 1
driver side. Identify by fixed back
Necessário: 1
passenger side. Identify by tilt back
Necessário: 1
LH front seat
Supplied in sets of 4
Necessário: 1
RH front seat
Supplied in sets of 4
Necessário: 1