Cylinder block - 6 cylinder models
XJ40 3.6 litre to engine no. 109969 (1986-87)
Necesarios: 1
XJ40 3.6 from engine no. 109970 3.2 and 4.0 to VIN...667828 (1987-94)
Necesarios: 1
XJ40 2.9 litre from engin no. 101880 to VIN...628059 (1987-90)
Necesarios: 1
XJ40 2.9 lirte to engine no. 101879 (1986-87)
Necesarios: 1
main bearing cap
Necesarios: 12
Necesarios: 1
timing cover to cylinder block. Identify by: 90mm length
Necesarios: 4
timing cover to cylinder block. Identify by: 65mm length
Necesarios: 4
eje intermedio en la tapa de distribución - pieza usada
Necesarios: 1
to detect engine speed and crankshaft position. Fitted to timing cover
Necesarios: 1
to detect engine speed and crankshaft position. Fitted to timing cover - aftermarket
Necesarios: 1
retaining bracket to timing cover. Identify by: 55mm length
Necesarios: 1
retaining bracket to timing cover. Identify by: 35mm length
Necesarios: 1
retaining timing pointer to timing cover
Necesarios: 2