Carburadores SU-HS2 - Sprite II al IV y Midget I al III (1961-74)
HS2 type - new items. Characteristic: fixed metering needle, no overflow pipe
with 10CC and 12CC engines: Sprite from HAN8-38829 to HAN9-85286, Midget from GAN3-25788 to GAN4-74885 (1964-69)
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HS2 type - new items. Characteristic: adjustable metering needle and overflow pipe
with 12V588F engines: Midget from GAN5-123731 to GAN5-138753 (1972-73)
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front carburettor
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rear carburettor
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front carburettor. Feature: connector for breather hose
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rear carburettor. Feature: no connector for breather hose
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con motores de la serie 10CG: Sprite de HAN7-24732 a HAN7-38828, Midget de GAN2-16184 a GAN2-25787 (1962-64)
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fixed type - marked: AN, for weak mixture
for 10CC and 12CC engines fitted with SU-HS2 carburettors 311370 and 311371
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fixed type. For weak mixture - marked: GX
948 cc. models with 9CG engine and and AUC990 SU carburettors
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fixed type. For standard mixture - marked: V3
948 cc. models with 9CG engine and and AUC990 SU carburettors
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fixed type - marked: H6, for rich mixture
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fixed type. For rich mixture - marked: V2
948 cc. models with 9CG engine and and AUC990 SU carburettors
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para carburadores SU-H, SU-HD y SU-HS - sustituye la válvula de aguja flotante
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for SU HS type carburettor - uprated 'unsinkable' type, made from closed cell Nitrile rubber foam, resistant to modern ethanol based fuels
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and link
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and link, front carburettor
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für Vergaser 20955 & 311374
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rear carburettor - diameter: 0.090". Identification: pink marking sleeve
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for SU-HS2 carburettors, used item - characterristic: no adaptor for engine breathing system
1275 cc models from Mid 1968
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para carburadores SU y Zenith Stromberg a partir de 1950
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Contenido: 125 ml (72,00 €* / 1000 ml)
services one SU-HS type carburettor
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complete - throttle and choke connector and levers
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highly active special carburettor cleaner for all carburettor systems of 2- and 4-stroke engines
Necesarios: 1
Contenido: 400 ml (24,75 €* / 1000 ml)