Despiece carburadores dobles SU-HS2
fixed type - marked: AN - standard mixture
Cooper 970 cc
carburettor type: AUD151
Necesarios: 2
fixed type - marked: H6 - rich mixture
Cooper 970 cc
carburettor type: AUD151
Necesarios: 2
fixed type - marked: GZ - standard mixture
Cooper 997 cc
carburettor type: AUD15
Necesarios: 2
fixed type - marked: AH2 - rich mixture
Cooper 997 cc
carburettor type: AUD15
Necesarios: 2
fixed type - marked: M - rich mixture
Cooper 998 cc
carburettor type: AUD104
Necesarios: 2
fixed type - marked: H6 - standard mixture
Cooper 1071 cc
carburettor type: AUD99
Necesarios: 2
fixed type - marked: No.3 - rich mixture
Cooper 1071 cc
carburettor type: AUD99
Necesarios: 2
fixed type - marked: M - standard mixture
Cooper 1275 cc
carburettor type: AUD146, AUD440
Necesarios: 2
fixed type - marked: AH2 - rich mixture
Cooper 1275 cc
carburettor type: AUD146, AUD440
Necesarios: 2
for SU HS type carburettor - uprated 'unsinkable' type, made from closed cell Nitrile rubber foam, resistant to modern ethanol based fuels
Necesarios: 2
para carburadores SU-H, SU-HD y SU-HS - sustituye la válvula de aguja flotante
Necesarios: 2
float chamber - rigth hand
30° angeled
Necesarios: 1
0.090" - right hand
indentification sleeve: pink
Necesarios: 1
coarse thread
carburettors with fixed needle
Necesarios: 2
main jet - coarse thread
for mixture adusting
Necesarios: 2
choke lever - right hand - pair
Necesarios: 1
spring loaded type - marked: AAZ
1275 cc
alternative if this type carburettor is fitted
Necesarios: 2
spring loaded type - marked: AAP
Innocenti Cooper 1300
carburettor type: AXE139/140
Necesarios: 2